Phone Numbers & Metrics

An aNumber (i.e. Phone Number) is required for the delivery of Branded Calling programs. The following endpoints are available for phone numbers.

Business Phone Numbers

A GET action that returns all phone numbers registered to the specified business and their associated designation (i.e. Business Units and Programs).

A POST action allowing for the addition of one or more phone numbers to the specified business. If any number is rejected, (existing numbers), they are then submitted to the PUT endpoint to "reassign" them.


Request Limitations

When adding new phone numbers, each request has a maximum of 100 phone numbers. If you need to add more than 100 phone numbers, multiple requests will have to be sent.

A POST action removing one or more phone numbers from the specified business.

A GET action returning all available data associated with an individual phone number. Limited to one phone number per request.

A PUT action updating the call purpose associated with an individual phone number. Limited to one phone number per request. Call purpose designations are shown in the table below.


Integration Lab - Returned Phone Number Value

When creating or updating a phone number inside of the Integration Environment, the "Accepted" or "Rejected" responses are randomly generated, thus the status return may or may not be what would be returned in production.

CSCustomer Service
DCDebt Collection
ENInformational / Notification
OBMulti-Use Line
S6Do Not Originate

A DELETE action that removes an individual phone number for the Business, and all associated Business Units and Programs. Limited to one phone number per request.

A GET action returning all available details for the phone number, current status (i.e. pending, active), and the date/time the phone number was submitted. Limited to one phone number per request.


Business Phone Number Removals

When removing phone numbers from a Business, the numbers will also be removed from any Business Units and Programs they are assigned to.

Business Unit Phone Numbers

A GET action returning all phone numbers associated with the specified Business Unit. For requests with larger response bodies, results will be paginated.

A POST action providing a way to add one or more phone numbers to the specified Business Unit.


Request Limitations

When adding new Business Unit phone numbers, each request has a maximum of 100 phone numbers. If you need to add more than 100 phone numbers, multiple requests will have to be sent.

A PUT action providing a way to add one or more existing phone numbers to the specified Business Unit. These phone numbers must have already been added to the Business.

A POST action providing a way to delete multiple phone numbers from the Business Units.

A GET action returning all phone numbers related to a Business Unit.

A DELETE action removing a phone number from the specified Business Unit. Limited to one phone number per request.


Business Unit Phone Number Removals

When removing phone numbers from a Business Unit, the numbers will also be removed from any programs they are assigned to.

Phone numbers will not be removed from the Business when acting within a specific Business Unit.

Delivery Channel Phone Numbers

A GET action returning all phone numbers of a Program's CallerName delivery channel.

A POST action that adds a phone number owned by the business to the Delivery Channel for a CallerName.



Adding a new aNumber will automatically propagate the phone number upstream to all levels of the hierarchy. For example: adding an aNumber to a Delivery Channel will also add it to the associated Business Unit and Business.

A POST action that adds all existing aNumbers owned by the business to a Delivery Channel for a CallerName.

A POST action that removes one or more aNumbers from a CallerName Delivery Channel.

A GET action returning available details for an aNumber within a CallerName delivery channel.

A DELETE action removing a single aNumber from a CallerName delivery channel. Deleting the aNumber from the delivery channel will not remove it from the Business Unit or Business.


Delivery Channel Phone Number Removals

Removing phone numbers from a specified Delivery Channel will not remove them from the Business Unit or Business.

Phone Number Metrics

Metrics associated with a specified aNumber can be called to return and update information associated with it including aggregated answer rate, decline rate, and call count data. See detailed response information in the Get Phone Number Metrics API reference.



Each metrics request requires a designated "outputType" (i.e. daily, monthly, or all-time), returning metrics associated with the specified timeframe.

Sample Business Unit Phone Number metrics response body below

	"body": {
		"phoneNumberMetricsSummaries": [
				"phoneNumber": "5015551234",
				"metrics": [
						"answerRate": 0.34526357,
						"declineRate": 0.12345,
						"totalTreatedCalls": 123453
				"phoneNumber": "4798573238",
				"metrics": [
						"answerRate": 0.34526357,
						"declineRate": 0.12345,
						"totalTreatedCalls": 123453
	"error": null

Phone Number Reference Data

A GET action that returns all available call purposes associated with a phone number.

Sample Business Unit Phone Number metrics response body below

        "callPurpose":"Customer Service",
        "callPurpose":"Debt Collection",

List of Call Purposes:

CSCustomer Service1
DCDebt Collection2
ENInformational / Notification3
OBMulti-Use Line8
SRDo Not Originate10