Data Hierarchy
The Branded Communication API offers a single point of entry into First Orion's INFORM solution.
The API is structured under the following top-down hierarchy:

Create and Manage Businesses
A Business is represented in the BC API as an object containing the information needed for business registration. This includes information relevant to legal identification, addresses, contacts, and the context of the business, as shown below:

An API user can create, update, and get information about businesses via the Branded Communication Business endpoints.
Note: Only users with Partner permissions may access the endpoints used to create and manage businesses via API.
There are five business endpoints aside from the primary Business endpoint used for creation and management:

Create and Manage Business Units
A Business Unit is represented in the Branded Communication API as simply its name. The successful activation of a business is required for Business Unit creation and management. Creating a business unit is a required step before program creation. There is one Business Unit endpoint used to create and manage the information associated with a business unit.
Create and Manage Branded Communication Content
To add branding details and assets to a branded communication program, the content must be registered in the FO Exchange, similar to phone number registration. Once registered, every piece of content is associated to a unique ID for use when assigning to a program. The content is not distributed to downstream networks until it has been put into an "APPROVED" State.

Content Data Hierarchy
Create and Manage Branded Communication Programs
A Program is represented in the Branded Communication API by the purpose of the program, the estimated daily call count, and its schedule. There is an optional flag on the program object to allow for the use of PAIRED pre-call authenticated delivery.

There are three endpoints used to manipulate the information used in the Program Object:

Delivery Channel Endpoints Overview
Branded Communication Delivery Channels represent how the end call will be displayed and to what channel(s) the calls will be distributed.

Phone Numbers Endpoints Overview
The Phone Number object is represented similarly to Branded Communication programs with the addition of the relationship object used to map the phone number to associated businesses and programs:

Call Purpose codes are the same as program call purpose codes.
There are three endpoints used to manipulate the information and entities associated with a phone number:

Updated about 1 month ago