Call Authentication

Authenticated Calling

General Use

Out-of-Band Call AuthenticationConsistent Attestation LevelVetted Businesses Only Platform
- Enterprises "signal" to First Orion before call is "originated" - Branding is "set" in network for finite amount of time by First Orion - Terminated phone call that passes out-of-band check will be "authenticated" and brand accordingly- Successful, authenticated phone calls terminate with "A-Level" attestation - Enterprises unlikely to become OSP for enterprise-level Stir/Shaken - Some calling platforms obfuscate originating carrier resulting in inconsistent attestation levels- Businesses must be "Vetted" and "Approved" by First Orion before branding phone calls - Unlike legacy "branding" sources, the Branded Communication platform is a vetted and trusted source of branding

Call Authentication API Flow

Call Authentication API

Call Authentication API Details

API Endpoints are secured by OAuth2.0 Authentication

  • API credential creation, rotation, and disablement can be managed by users in Customer Portal

Delivery to All Major Carriers in the United States

  • One API endpoint to brand on all networks

Products Dependent on Call Authentication API

  • Inform +Paired
  • Inform with Logo
  • Sentry Blocking (with or without branding)