Service Guide

ENGAGE® Federated Batch Push Service Guide



Before using the Federated Batch Push Service, the following items must be configured in the Branded Communication Content Portal.

Assets – graphics that display on a device during an incoming call

Program Content – associated content that will be displayed on a mobile device when a call is received

aNumbers – any originating or outgoing numbers used for calling that must be configured in the Content Portal before any branded communication content may be delivered

U.S. Base URL

International Base URL

Open Endpoints

Open endpoints do not require authentication.

Get Token


Endpoints Requiring Authentication

Endpoints for checking the health of previously granted Access Token:

Check Token Health


Endpoints for Batch pushing ENGAGE content to enabled devices:

Push ENGAGE Content


Endpoint Details

Get Token

Get Token returns an access token to be used as Authorization header for all Metrics service requests. This request should be the prerequisite for subsequent service requests.


Tokens are valid for 15 minutes. When the token expires, it should be refreshed using the Get Token endpoint



Client ID & Client Secret : generated and delivered to integration customers by First Orion







  • Content-type: application/json
  • X-Federated-Purpose: inform


		"clientId": "<clientId>",
    "clientSecret": "<clientSecret>"
clientIdStringYesFederal client identifier provided
clientSecretStringYesSecret code for federated client provided by First Orion and used in the request to retrieve a valid Access Token
Recommendation: Protect this value in the same manner as a password



  • Return code: 200 OK
  • Response body:
    "accessToken": "eyJraWQiOiJzVkM5eXczZ2Vtckwzb2ZpbXZCM1BSWGNWc1JhcXJsR0lQSWN0TDhUcXBrPSIsImFsZyI6IlJTMjU2In0.eyJzdWIiOiJrdjQ4NmhxYWxsYml2c2t2NnE2M3Zhc2NwIiwidG9rZW5fdXNlIjoiYWNjZXNzIiwic2NvcGUiOiJjb20uZmlyc3Rvcmlvbi5lbmdhZ2UuZmVkZXJhdGlvblwvZmVkZXJhdGVkaW5mb3JtIiwiYXV0aF90aW1lIjoxNTYwMzUyNDc1LCJpc3MiOiJodHRwczpcL1wvY29nbml0by1pZHAudXMtZWFzdC0xLmFtYXpvbmF3cy5jb21cL3VzLWVhc3QtMV80WlZGZDBKbXEiLCJleHAiOjE1NjAzNTYwNzUsImlhdCI6MTU2MDM1MjQ3NSwidmVyc2lvbiI6MiwianRpIjoiNzRiZTczOTktZTZmYi00Njk4LWIwMzUtMjdkMzE0YTI4MTdmIiwiY2xpZW50X2lkIjoia3Y0ODZocWFsbGJpdnNrdjZxNjN2YXNjcCJ9.Od3JH7qUV15B7LisXP6oj6elwRn8omZJJbmtWu-X9tVHN9P846nVRQSaWyOqt6a91afdkd5sM7Hs4UoNeWqcIvAio93lAesSEEYxDQrHsi4LpxQ_Fb4nF_9Mk_kPrgfnqmSdRzWhRrkdLhuvrAvbFL6wm14TSKeHX-mYVBe4LqnYA8Ok297YYSVLgBk4lUw1Vb2brUWwpT71ddLE0nUE7rNL69HE1qX9N5zc3uzpsVdU8IqscyZFbwZOCfRaTX7MYAtzj9mFxyumYKVRM5lZcn87i4RETjh4pTtj-8I4l3TrNyu4MGO7EpslgmnPvk04liV6s77JMh3fe1Q3wQNzdQ",
    "message": "Success",
    "errorCode": 0,
    "requestId": "12ab005b-1522-406b-82c9-a2ab9a1ff49d"
accessTokenStringAccess token used for Authentication in subsequent service requests, i.e., (Authorization: Bearer '')
messageStringMessage returned from server
errorCodeStringError code returned from server
requestIdStringUnique HTTP request made to server

Error 500 - Failed to grant accessToken error (missing clientId)

  • Return code: 500 Internal Server Error
  • Response body:
    "accessToken": null,
    "message": "Failed to grant access token",
    "errorCode": 500,
    "requestId": "5cf3ad7e-0428-491f-a85f-c444487d1523"
accessTokenStringNull value returned for missing token
messageStringMessage returned from server
errorCodeStringError code returned from server
requestIdStringUnique HTTP request made to server

Check Token Health

Returns health of access token used as Authentication header. Tokens should be refreshed after the current Token has expired.


A healthy token will return a 200 OK response and token details in the response body


An expired token will return a 401 Unauthorized response and should be refreshed



The value for the header Authorization: Bearer Token will be returned by the Get Token service request







  • Content-type: application/json
  • Authorization: Bearer Token



  • Return code: 200 OK
  • Response body:
   "accessToken": null,
   "message": "Healthy",
   "errorCode": "",
   "requestId": "5c79f9a0-447e-4093-87d8-05bdd25e9200"
accessTokenStringAccess token used for Authentication in subsequent service requests, i.e., (Authorization: Bearer Token)
messageStringMessage returned from server
errorCodeStringError code returned from server
requestIdStringUnique HTTP request made to server

Error 401 - accessToken invalid or expired error

  • Return code: 401 Unauthorized
  • Response body: None

ENGAGE Batch Push Content: aNumber List

Delivers content to multiple ENGAGE-enabled devices by providing a list of aNumbers.



Authorization Token: the value for the header Authorization: Bearer Token will be returned by the Get Token service request

Program Content UUID: the associated ENGAGE Program to be delivered as an enhanced experience to ENGAGE-enabled handsets. Programs are set up and configured in the Content Portal – where the Program Content UUID can be found



/federated/outbound/v2/batch?programContentUuid= {programContentUuid}




  • Authorization: Bearer accessToken from Get Token request;
  • Content-type : application/json

Query Parameters

  • 3e1b9b27-d1f9-4c8d-800f-bb534d6928d6
programContentUuidStringYesUUID associated to an ENGAGE program being delivered to device

Body – With List of aNumbers

  "destinations": [
      "bNumber": "+15018902005",
      "personalization": {
        "MY_VAR": "Put Custom Text Here"
      "customTrackingId": "custom-tracking-1"
      "bNumber": "+14258309029",
      "personalization": {
        "MY_VAR": "Put Custom Text Here"
      "customTrackingId": "custom-tracking-2"
  "aNumbers": [
  "notBefore": "2020-02-10T16:00:00Z",
  "ttlSeconds": "3600",
  "keepAfterCall": "false"
destinationsArrayYesList of objects with bNumbers to push content to devices
destinations[0].bNumberStringYesDevice number that will display program content when a call is received after a successful push
Must be E.164 format
destinations[0].personalization.MY_VARStringNoCustom text sent to bNumber and displayed during call
Recommended value: 20
First Orion best practice: maximum of 20 characters as messages over 20 characters may not display correctly on all devices
destinations[0].customTrackingIdStringNoOptional ID for client-side tracking
aNumbersArray StringYes
Cannot send aNumber Group ID
Originating numbers calling a bNumber. aNumber must be previously uploaded in the Branded Communication Content Portal
List of up to 400 ANumbers in E.164 format
Cannot send UUID
notBeforeDateTime(UTC)NoDatetime set before sending content to devices
ttlSecondsIntegerYesDuration, in seconds, for content to live on the device following successful content push
Default is 3600
Recommended value: 960 seconds
First Orion best practice: set the TTL to 16 minutes
keepAfterCallBooleanNoSet if content should be kept on device after call
Default is false
Recommended value: false
First Orion best practice: do not keep content on the device after a call or successful push

ENGAGE Batch Push Content: aNumber Group UUID

Delivers content to multiple ENGAGE-enabled devices by providing an aNumber Group UUID – configured and located in the Content Portal.



Authorization Token: the value for the header Authorization: Bearer Token will be returned by the Get Token service request

Program Content UUID: the associated ENGAGE Program to be delivered as an enhanced experience to ENGAGE-enabled handsets. Programs are set up and configured in the Content Portal – where the Program Content UUID can be found

aNumber Group UUID: pushing content using an aNumber Group UUID configured in the Content Portal. The UUID can be identified in the Outbound Calling Numbers -> Grouping Numbers section







  • Authorization: Bearer accessToken from Get Token request
  • Content-type : application/json

Query Parameters

  • 3e1b9b27-d1f9-4c8d-800f-bb534d6928d6
programContentUuidStringYesUUID associated to ENGAGE program being delivered to device

Body – aNumber Group

  "destinations": [
      "bNumber": "+15018902005",
      "personalization": {
        "MY_VAR": "Put Custom Text Here"
      "customTrackingId": "custom-tracking-1"
      "bNumber": "+14258309029",
      "personalization": {
        "MY_VAR": "Put Custom Text Here"
      "customTrackingId": "custom-tracking-2"
  "aNumberGroupId": "935b91a0-f2fb-4c43-b629-63fea6634512",
  "notBefore": "2020-02-10T16:00:00Z",
  "ttlSeconds": "3600",
  "keepAfterCall": "false"
destinationArrayYesList of objects with bNumbers to push content to devices
destinations[0].bNumberStringYesDevice number that will display program content when a call is received after a successful push
Must be E.164 format
destinations[0].personalization.MY_VARStringNoCustom text sent to bNumber and displayed during call
Recommended value: 20
First Orion best practice: maximum of 20 characters as messages over 20 characters may not display correctly on all devices
destinations[0].customTrackingIdStringNoOptional ID for client-side tracking
aNumbersArray StringYes

Cannot send aNumber Group ID
Originating numbers calling a bNumber. aNumber must be previously uploaded in the Branded Communication Content Portal
List of up to 400 aNumbers in E.164 format
Cannot send UUID
notBeforeDateTime(UTC)NoDatetime set before sending content to devices
ttlSecondsIntegerYesDuration, in seconds, for content to live on the device following successful content push
Default is 3600
Recommended value: 960 seconds
First Orion best practice: set the TTL to 16 minutes
keepAfterCallBooleanNoSet if content should be kept on device after call
Default is false
Recommended value: false
First Orion best practice: do not keep content on the device after a call or successful push



  • Return code: 200
    • OK
  • Response body:
  "response": "success",
  "message": null,
  "errorCode": "",
  "requestId": "329f83c4-38ca-4760-a18a-3fb44962c536"
responseObjectResponse object from server
messageStringMessage returned from server
errorCodeStringError code returned from server
requestIdStringUnique HTTP request made to server

Error 401 - Bearer token used for Authorization header is invalid

  • Return code: 401
    • Unauthorized
  • Response body: None

Response 200 - One or more aNumbers being sent is not associated with the Service Provider making request

  • Return code: 200
    • OK
  • Response body:
  "response": "Not allowed to use one or more anumbers.",
  "message": "Batch push could not complete push successfully.",
  "errorCode": 200,
  "requestId": "51934465-cc14-4e68-97a0-af7d6faf9f55"
responseObjectResponse object from server
messageStringMessage returned from server
errorCodeStringError code returned from server
requestIdStringUnique HTTP request made to server

Error 400 - Program used not correctly configured

  • Return code: 400
    • Unauthorized
  • Response body:
  "response": "Invalid program setup on this program",
  "message": "Batch push could not complete push successfully.",
  "errorCode": 400,
  "requestId": "e9a76f6b-b921-4ffa-b6f2-1a29334073c4"
responseObjectResponse object from server
messageStringMessage returned rom server
errorCodeStringError code returned from server
requestIdStringUnique HTTP request made to server

Error 400 - Missing aNumber or aNumber GroupID field or field value

  • Return code: 400
    • Bad Request
  • Response body:
  "response": "Must send aNumbers or a valid ANumberGroupId",
  "message": "Batch could not complete push successfully.",
  "errorCode": 400,
  "requestId": "04707ac5-36e1-42f1-b747-355fad2d772b"
responseObjectResponse object from server
messageStringMessage returned from server
errorCodeStringError code returned from server
requestIdStringUnique HTTP request made to server