Programs, Schedules & Metrics


A Program is designated to an individual Business Unit and manages the delivery of Branded Communication solutions. Active/Inactive Status and TTLs can be controlled at the Program. The following endpoints are available at the Program level:

A GET action returning all programs associated with a given Business Unit.

A POST action allowing for the creation of a new program. Program creation requires the designation of Call Purpose and Daily Call Count Estimates, mappings of these fields are shown below in the Program Reference Data section.

A GET action returning available details for the specified program (i.e. active/inactive status, program name, daily call count estimates)

A PUT action providing the ability to alter an existing program.

A DELETE action removing the specified program.

Program Schedules

A collection of endpoints providing controls over the start date/time and end date/time of programs.

A GET action returning all schedules associated with a particular program.

A POST action allowing the creation of a new program schedule.

A GET action returning the details of a specified schedule.

A PUT action providing the ability to alter an existing schedule.

A DELETE action that removes an existing schedule.

Program Metrics Endpoint

Metrics associated with a specified Program can be called, aggregated answer rate, decline rate, and call count data. See detailed response information in the Get Program Metrics API reference.



Each metrics request requires a designated "outputType" (i.e. daily, monthly, or all-time), returning metrics associated with the specified timeframe.

Sample Program metrics response body below

	"body": {
		"programMetricsSummaries": [
				"programId": "fb67b5c6-53e6-4e03-b775-d171289ebfbd",
				"metrics": [
						"answerRate": 0.34526357,
						"declineRate": 0.12345,
						"totalTreatedCalls": 123453
				"programId": "lb3bj1bf-53e6-4e03-b775-d171289ebfbd",
				"metrics": [
						"answerRate": 0.34526357,
						"declineRate": 0.12345,
						"totalTreatedCalls": 123453
	"error": null

Program Delivery Channels

A GET action that returns the Delivery Channel object.

A GET action that returns details of a CallerName (long name, description, short name) associated with a Program's Delivery Channel.

A POST action that creates a new CallerName for a program's Delivery Channel.

A PUT action that updates the details of a CallerName associated with a program's delivery channel.

A DELETE action that deletes all the elements of a program for a specific Delivery Channel associated with that program's CallerName.

Program Reference Data

A GET action that returns the Call Purpose associated with a Program.

A GET action that returns the Daily Call Count ranges associated with a program. Resets daily.

See example program reference data response below:

        "range":"Up to 100",
        "range":"Up to 500",

Call count ranges:

2Up to 1002
3Up to 5003
4Up to 1,0004
5Up to 5,0005
6Up to 10,0006
7Up to 25,0007
8Up to 50,0008
9Up to 100,0009
10Up to 250,00010
11Up to 500,00011
12Up to 1,000,00012
13More than 1,000,00013